Monday, May 12, 2008


Before I explain our program, let me ask you a serious question. Would you have joined Yahoo, MSN, or Google when they started if they promised you a piece of their company??

Of course you would have!! Even if you just owned 1/1,000,000th of any one of those internet giants, you would have several hundred (or even thousand) shares of stock worth quite a bit of money (not to mention dividends and profit sharing along the way).


Now....think for a second. Where do these internet giants get the majority of their revenues from? Advertising!!! That's right...advertising.

Advertising pays their bills. Advertising helped them grow. Advertising generated their profits. In fact - there would be no internet, as we know it today, without advertising.

And who reads these ads? You do of course! You read the ads - they make the profit - you make nothing at all!! It really is that simple. Until now!!

Our program will change the face of the internet, but we need partners to do that. And what will our partners have to do? Spend about 5-10 minutes a day working with us - that's it - unless you decide you want to do more...and earn more.

"And what does that entail?", you may be wondering. Something so simple that we are surprised no one has thought of this before. You register and become a member. The minimum requirements are that you receive just one email a day and refer just two persons - and that's all. And what do you get in return for that? Ownership of our company, a share of the profits (and we make no promises here but do see our contract), and much, much more in the future.

In fact, 90% of this entire company will be member owned and we have even included that in our contract. We only get 10% today, tomorrow, and forever. And of that 90% that will go to members, 45% will go out as cash and the other 45% will go into our "war chest" to develop and/or buy other profitable internet companies. And YOU will also own these companies as well.

But why should you consider reading email ads? Well - you probably receive several, if not dozens, of email ads per day. Some are legal and some are spam. What do they both have in common? You do not get a penny for reading either of them. And you will always get ads as most programs on the internet require that you receive some ads - so THEY can make a profit. All we have done is reversed that trend to where now YOU will get the profits.

We propose that you receive just a few more ads than you currently get anyway. Ads that will generate revenues and profits. Not for the "big guys" any more - but for company!!! Can you imagine the impact 1 million...2 million....10 million people can have on the face of internet advertising?!? Can you imagine the revenues that they can generate?!? And besides 45% of all revenues going to you in cash, the other 45% will be used to develop and/or buy other internet companies. Companies that you will also own and profit from. And we will keep on building and building, adding more and more members, and increasing the size of your own personal holdings. ALL OF THIS FOR FREE!!!!

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